Regardless of your TEFL experience...
If you're looking to get a university/college degree or are presently in a degree program or have completed your degree, which of the following factors of the program and choice of school are/were important to you and why:
-- "Fancy Name" University for prestige, recognition in the TESOL community and with employers
-- Specific course content (coursework)
-- Degree title or program of study (e.g., Applied Linguistics vs. Education vs. English Literature vs. ...)
-- Non-TEFL related field that fits my interests or future career goals
-- None; I just need/needed a degree, any degree
-- Convenience (location or mode of delivery)
-- Cost
-- Other
If you're looking into bachelors or masters degree programs, what are your reasons for doing so?
If you're currently completing your studies or have already obtained a degree, what regrets, if any, do you have about your academic choice(s)? On the other hand, what positive impact has it made?